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About me

My name is Alexander. I was born in 1969. Now I live in Ukraine. Why there you may ask. Well, it's because of there are unbelievable possibilities for business in Ukraine, and it excites me and takes my attention. I like to travel for my business and I have been in different countries (see "my geography").) How have I associated with people there? Usually I have spoken English, I studied it at an ordinary school and at a common course at a university. But before Spain I learned two phrases in Spanish only. As a result I could delight in reading articles in one of gay's magazine. Frankly, I have used a dictionary, yet it doesn't matter.

Now about the most important, for which we gather there.

I felt that I'm a gay many years ago, at school time. I opened to nobody. I was too shy. As a result I had sexual contacts less then fingers on a palm for all my first thirty years. All of them were occasional. Once I met Internet. I created a site, where I narrowed with an eager about gay's healthy lifestyle (don't look for it, the server, where it was situated does no longer exist).That was a cool project, if you too often ask me I'll make it again:-)). I began to leave my ads on BBS, I registered at I began to write to men. And unbelievable, there appeared up to ten new people who answered me.That time I didn't know exactly what I want, so almost all the connections were superficial. That's why here is the first advise to you.

Determine your goal and your dream then construct you action plan.

Through I acquainted with Serge from my city. We began to meet. You don't imagine even. I waited for this meet for thirty years. And here was he, a man, it's easy with whom, I mustn't tell a lot to whom, I could simply live with whom. It can be worth thirty years to live and in my case I needed to do that. Ten to one you are in better condition. I'm happy for you really and I'm sure that for Internet helped me it will do the same for you. More over this is the site with too powerful resource for your pleasure.

The Cyprus. It was an unforgettable journey. Aphrodite at the Island of LOVE is said to bring a man together with his the second part. It was that island that I being full of hope stepped to the third millennium at. I prepared the journey. Due to BBS 13 lads wrote me that they were waiting for me to come. I had no an idea, how to meet with all of them in a week. But there was one of them only I met with. Where were others, you may ask. They had reasons. Here is the second advice.

Let you look for and have more possibilities of choice.

Maybe legends come true or maybe my desire was so strong yet in less then a year from my meeting with the Goddess I met my first love. It happened in such a way. A lad from a neighbor town responded to my site. We met, became friends, together were at weekend's picnics. In some time in his surround I sow Him. So Internet has helped me to begin a sanguineous life.

If turn back to look at this narrow then I can say firmly, everything worked: own site, fillings in forms, ads on BBS, messages to other's ads. The most successful were the first messages with nice pictures . Here is the third advice.

Be persistent for it is YOUR dream.

Maybe it's to be written "and where dreams come true" instead of three dots in the name of this site.

Where real lads meet
and where dreams come true.

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